Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What´s for a Bed Time Snack?

The other day I was thinking about that saying that says ¨you eat about 3 spiders a year while you are asleep¨.  Then I thought about it and wondered if it was actually true?  From time to time, we all wake up with spider bites that itch the hell out of us.  But do spiders actually make our sleeping mouths into thier homes?
Here are some facts about spiders to come to a conclusion if this is real or not.

  • Facts do show that spiders climb onto beds at night when people are sleeping.  Spiders hunt during the night and they go searching for insects.  They love bed bugs.
  • Spiders bite humans while we are alseep because we tend to move around at night and we roll on top of them, causing them to bite us. 
  • Spiders LOVE small dark places, especially holes.  So why not crawl into a sleeping human´s mouth or nostril?!
  • However, our breathing should scare them off.  We are breathing in and out air which will make the spider uncomfortable.
  • And last but not least, a person´s face and mouth are very sensitive.  So if a spider (or anything) crawls into someone´s mouth or nose, a normal person with nerves, will swat off whatever is touching them in thier sleep.  However, if a spider actually gets into your mouth, your tongue and saliva will involuntarily swallow whatever is there.  So that little spider will just slide down the back of your throat.
After looking at these facts, there is a low possibility that you eat spiders in your sleep.  BUT that low possibility means that there IS a possibility.

So Good Night, Sleep Tight, and don´t let the Bed Bugs Bite!

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